Sunday, May 11, 2008


Aging of Population

 Thank you for advanced-medical technology that humans are more likely to live longer than before with healther life. Although the average life expectancy has extended, there is a pending question such as the crisis of polulation aging. In fact, population aging is progressing rapidly in many developed countries. The crisis often relates with its burdening of retirement system that retired people often struggle with their health, financial situation. Yet most countries’ social welfare service is not enough to support them to keep their life up. For this reason, governmental supports must be more active in order to improve its public retirement programs such as health care and social security. In addition, as an individual, we might have to prepare for our old age while young, and find a real joy to enjoy advantageous our long term life.


Jack Skyfer said...

Aging is a big problem. I don't like to see me very old and have no children to be with me. Or I have one but I'm too old to play with him =.= I will get married at 27


Choyi I am totally agree with you. I think that the best solution possible is to adopt a socialist system that allow a more equal distribution of the whealht in our world. On my opinion the Canadian system could be a good reference.

Alaa A said...

Nice point you raise Choy . I agree with you and I think it is important to save money for after retirement. Thanks to advancement in medicine, average age is increase to be 80s

mehrnaz said...

hey choyi i think u r right and i do agree that government of rich countries should help more to poor countries.and on the other hand poor countries like Kenya and India should be educated more about family plane. and also i think being old and alone is hardest part of life that i never wanted to experience it.

Alaa M said...

Hi my fried..
you know, I really like your writing and thinking. I enjoy your speaking. good luck

Emily said...

Hi Choyi, I like your pictures and your writing, fighting, we are almose there!!