Sunday, April 13, 2008

Male and Female Communication Patterns

 If there are any different communication patterns between men and women, where does it come from?

The answer is that because of differences in childhood socialization between girls and boys, it might influence their attitude. In fact, mostly girls and boys tend to play with their own gender, and both build different types of socializing patterns. For girls, they tend to build their relationships based on communications. For example, girls’ playing patterns are more likely relating with a communication as playing with Bobbies or playing house. Furthermore, little girls create special intimacy by exchanging their secrets in order to develop their friendship. However, boys are based less on taking but more doing things together as physical exercises. Furthermore, boy’s groups are more lager than girls’, and more hierarchical so the role of power is more important rather than the role of communication for them. In conclusion, these typical socializing patterns of boys and girl, it might influence them to make differences in their communication patterns.


Danka said...

Hey!!! Did you stablish an interesting relation between socialization and comunication patterns!
Great... you are a good thinker!!!

mehrnaz said...

hey nice teh point taht boys r base on power rather tahn communication,i do agree with u.and i think its abit. stupid.but shhhhhhh don`t say to any body taht i call them stupid.;)