The Evolusion of Literature
We've been through Charles Darwin’s theory, ‘The Origin Of Species’, makes big difference in Biology and human beings. The most impressive part is that we can find the idea of evolution in every filed as Literature. Specially, I would like to look through relation between the idea of evolution and Literature which seems like no relation to each other. In fact, we can easily find that many modern novels are just evolved out of classic ones. As an example, Bridget Jones's Diary is in fact a modern adaptation of that Austen classic, ‘Pride And Prejudice'. As the author of Bridget Jones's Diary said, Austen was her inspiration, and the major characters of Austen’s, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth were transformed to Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones. Indeed, Bridget is just like Elizabeth, who is opinionated, strong-willed, impulsive, and passionate. Furthermore there are many mirror scenes like their first meeting and Mark Darcy struggles against falling Bridget just as Mr. Darcy does against falling in love with Elizabeth. After all, Bridget Jones’s Diary, like Pride and Prejudice, is preoccupied with marriage. In conclusion, as the most favorable traits are likely to survive over generation to next, Austen’s strong characters and plots were successfully inherited into modern as Bridget and Mark Darcy. Even though we might not realize that we are surrounding by evolutionary changes, the theory of evolution might help us to understand what's been carried so far.
If your notion of evolution is taking a concept and reinventing it, doesn't that say something about originality going down the drain?
My .02
Thanks for your suggestion.
I guess, I mentioned that as an example. It might be better, if I made a comparison between the original character and the modern one. Anyway, I’ll reconsider later, good night…
Did you enjoy your book...HOHO
Yes, I do love my book. :)
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